The symposium focuses on recent researches, developments and policies related to
transition to innovative, sustainable and resilient power systems. The symposium pro- vides an
opportunity for experts, scholars and engineers to exchange knowledge about such technical and
regulatory aspects during technical sessions.
Preferential Subjects
【PS1】 Driving towards an enhanced system Sustain- ability, and Resiliency with increasing
shares of Renewables
- Development of methods, models and analytic techniques to ensure resilience in future grids.
- Addressing the future challenges in gener- ating, transmitting and utilizing sustainable energy in an
environmentally responsible manner, while improving business practices and operating efficiency, and
enhancing reliability and power quality.
- Innovative solutions for a more exible power system, allowing for a higher, cost-e ec- tive integration
and utilization of renewables
【PS2】 Innovations in Future Power Grids in Energy Storage, Electric Vehicles &
- Evolution of Battery storage technologies and energy storage applications.
- Opportunities and challenges of digital transformation of utilities in improving the digitalization.
- Developing the usage of plug-in electric vehicles and emerging new concepts in transportation such as
electric highways and the significant role of energy storage solutions for transportation.
【PS3】Development in HVDC Grids and Multi-terminal HVDC.
- HVDC Grid and Multi-terminal HVDC systems
- Development of medium voltage and low voltage DC systems
- Challenges of HVDC systems with long distance overhead line and cables.